Available Puppies

Augustus (Turtle)

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Turtle is a wonderfully sweet and biddable dog.  He is a fun and vivacious companion who never insists on anything but is ready to do whatever you want him to do.  He allows the other dogs who are more forward to have their time and patiently awaits his turn.  When he is one on one, he’s affectionate and bright.  I think Turtle would do great in a multi dog family, his dog sense is second to none.  Turtle is beautifully conformed and is quite the looker.

Aoife (Pinky)

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Pinky is an over the top affectionate dog.  She will stay glued to your hip wherever you go.  I have never been able to exhaust Pinky’s love for affection.  Pinky is a bit of a follower in other ways.  She is, however, and ace at ball retrieving.  Pinky could have the potential to be a flyball dog.  When we are playing ball, she is fast and accurate, beating all the others out and back on most occasions.  Her conformation is very good. 


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Autumn is a stunningly beautiful girl.  She is perfect in every way with the exception of a gay tail.  Autumn is somewhat independent, but she adores having affection.  She is also the smartest pup by far.  She has recently taught herself how to open a sliding glass door.  Her problem solving and brains leads me to think she might be a very good Rally dog or just a wonderful companion for someone who has time to teach her things.

Mom and Dad

Here are the proud parents of the gang.  Dad is five years old and Mom is three.  Both are health screened and copies of the results are available.  Mom was a natural mom and birthed and raised all ten puppies with no problems.